July 30th: Meeting real sled dogs

My mom and aunt have come to Alaska, and I'm showing them around the state. I asked Squirrel if he wanted to come with us, but they're going to be here for almost ten days, and he didn't want to be away from home that long.

Today we got to do something really fun, though. My mom, aunt, and several other people all went on a dog sled ride in a town named Seward.

The dog teams train in the summer time, and they use special dog sleds that have wheels for training. It's amazing how fast they can pull ten people on one of these sleds!

Because it's warm for the sled dogs here in the summer -- even when it's only 50 or 60 degrees -- they have to give the sled dogs a break, because it's too warm for them. So we stopped by a cool river, and I got to meet this dog:

I liked all the dogs. They are all friendly, and they really work hard! I know Squirrel has a problem with some dogs, but I think he'd like these.