July 14th: Squirrel sends me to Denali

"Al", Squirrel said, as we were eating some Cheerios, "Have you been to Denali National Park yet?".

"No, I haven't. My mom and aunt are coming here soon, so I thought I'd wait for them."

"Why wait? Besides, it's July, and everything in the park is in full bloom. All the trees, plants, and flowers have had 20-plus hours of sun every day, and all the animals are out playing too. You should go tomorrow!"

"Squirrel, you're right. It's only three hours from here. I'll go tomorrow!"

"There you go", Squirrel said, "That's the right attitude. And take some pictures for me, because I've never been there."

With that, my little friend bounced off into the forest, and I began packing for my trip.